Resources for use in school that focus on harvest and environmental issues, for use in classrooms and school assemblies during Creationtide.
- Cet Creative for Climate Justice - a partnership organised by CAFOD, Christian Aid, Oxfam and Send My Friend to School with support from the Climate Coalition. It's open to all primary and secondary schools, FE colleges and alternative provision providers in the UK.
- Harvest celebration service with liturgy and readings suitable for schools from arthur rank centre.
- A Harvest Thanksgiving assembly idea from
- Letters for Creation resources from Christian Aid specifically for use in schools. Including assembly and climate justice lesson plan to help pupils understand the key issues and a courageous advocacy lesson plan to help children to learn about the importance and power of their own voice and working together to create change.
- Muddy Church: Autumn and Harvest trails, activities session ideas, wondering pages and school resources.
- Harvest resources, including the story of Squeak the mouse from RE:quest.
- Harvest ideas, including a Scarecrow Trail for Churches and Schools from Sun Hats & Wellie Boots
- Get involved with Great Big Green Week with your School.