Racial Justice

The Diocese of Ely has formed a Racial Justice Working Group led by the Bishop’s Advisor for Racial Justice.

Racial Justice Working Group

The diocese has created a Racial Justice Action Group following on from the From Lament to Action report. The group are working with the Bishop’s Staff Team in response to the five pillars mentioned in the report; Participation, Education, Training and Mentoring, Young People, Structures and Governance.

Bishop’s Advisor for Racial Justice

The Revd Sharon Byrne is our Bishop's Advisor for Racial Justice, guiding and advising, especially in the significant wider agenda of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, ensuring that UKME/GMH matters are not considered in isolation.

Sharon can be contacted on: racialjustice.advisor@elydiocese.org.

Resources for Racial Justice Sunday

Racial Justice Sunday is for all churches to reflect on the importance of racial justice, to give thanks for the gifts and beauty of human diversity, and to commit to end racism and acts of discrimination. Find Liturgical Resources for Racial Justice Sunday.

Racial Justice Sunday takes place on Sunday 9 February 2025.

Justice, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference

The Racial Justice group, Education and Mission and Ministry teams hosted a Justice, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference in November 2024 at the Diocesan Office, Etheldreda House in Ely. Clergy and Church Leaders, both Lay and Ordained, were invited to attend our first ever Justice, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference. The focus of the conference was unconscious bias, featuring keynote speaker Adele Bates, Behaviour and Education Specialist.

Racial Justice Sunday

Liturgical Resources for Racial Justice Sunday

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