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Sharon Byrne, Bishop's Advisor for Racial Justice
Bishop's Advisors
Role Title:
Bishop's Advisor for Racial Justice
Sharon Byrne
Email Address:
Area of Support:
Our Bishop’s Advisor for Racial Justice guides and advises, especially in the significant wider agenda of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, ensuring that UKME/GMH matters are not considered in isolation.
They will work to develop ways to address the issue of increasing UKME/GMH Ordinands, Clergy and Lay Ministers as well UKME/GMH representation on our various governing bodies, ranging from Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) to Diocesan Boards and Committees.
Role Summary:
Our Bishop’s Advisor for Racial Justice guides and advises, especially in the significant wider agenda of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, ensuring that UKME/GMH matters are not considered in isolation.
Useful website link (if available):