Diocesan Synod

Every diocese has its own Diocesan Synod which consists of the bishops and archdeacons and elected laity and clergy.

Its role

  • consider matters affecting the Church of England in the diocese;
  • act as a forum for debate of Christian opinion on matters of religious or public interest;
  • formulates diocesan policy on a wide range of issues;
  • advise the bishop where requested;
  • deal with matters referred by General Synod;
  • votes the funding of stipends and administration to be raised from the parishes.

Diocesan Synod Standing Orders

Diocesan Synods Dates and Minutes

2025 dates

  • 8 March
  • 18 June
  • 18 October

2024 dates

2023 dates

2022 Dates

2021 Dates

2020 / 2019 Dates

Further details on future Diocesan Synod dates can be found in the calendar section on the website.

Contact the Diocesan Synod team

Page last updated: Tuesday 23rd July 2024 1:06 PM
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