Resources for working with children and young people in Schools
We have a number of resources available for anyone working in schools, either as part of their parish role or their school role.
In addition, please also take a look at our Resources for working with children that could be used in schools as well as in churches.
Follow the Star: Calm and Bright
Four weeks of collective worship resource materials is available from the National Society for Education for use by schools during Advent. The resources unpack the theme of ‘Calm and Bright’, through the perspectives of the Angel Gabriel, Joseph, a shepherd and Mary and encourage learners to consider how they can bring calmness and brightness to the world. Sign up now to get access to this resource.

Creationtide Resources
Links to Resources for use in school that focus on harvest and environmental issues, for use in classrooms and school assemblies during Creationtide.

Collective Worship Resources
In Church of England schools, collective worship helps to build a strength in the school community and to develops learners’ understanding of Anglican traditions and practice.

Bishop's Lent Challenge
The 2024 Bishop's Lent Challenge focuses on Climate Change action around the world and how the bible teaches us about God’s world, as well as our place in it from the past, the present and the future.

Parish School Covenant
The Parish-School Covenant is a written promise between a church and a school that sets out the shared missional ambitions, values and practical commitments between the school and the parish.