School Vision

We are home to 83 schools and academies within the Diocese of Ely, located in Cambridgeshire, from Norfolk to South Suffolk, Peterborough to Newmarket and Wisbech to Babraham.

We have over 15,000 learners of all faiths and none.
We are highly aspirational, and set high standards of attainment for all our students enabling them to be the best they can be and have high hopes for their futures.

I have come so you may have life in all its fullness
John 10:10

Our schools are run on Christian principles for all people.

The Vision Document has been summarized in three different ways for different audiences:

Talks by the main speakers at the national conference on the Church of England's Vision for Education can be viewed on You Tube:

The Ely Diocesan Synod adopted the Strategy "People Fully Alive: Ely 2025" with its five levers of change:

  • Nurture a confident people of God
  • Develop healthy churches and leaders
  • Serve the community
  • Re-imagine our buildings
  • Target support to key areas

The Diocesan Board of Education and Schools Team are fully committed to the Strategy as an integral part of their work with schools.

Diocese of Ely Board of Education (EDEC) Handbook

  • Summary of the Diocese of Ely Board of Education (EDEC) Handbook 2024 - click here.


Page last updated: Monday 7th October 2024 9:57 AM
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