Roles, support and opportunities for clergy in the Diocese of Ely.
The work of ordained clergy is a ministry of leadership, care and mission. They build up the church and its congregations and have the care of those who live and work in the parish in their minds and hearts.
You may already be serving as an ordained minister within the Diocese of Ely, or, you may be interested in applying for a clergy post or exploring a possible future role in the diocese. Or perhaps you are investigating a call to ordained ministry.
Whichever is the case, these pages are designed to signpost you to some basic and accessible information about serving in the Diocese of Ely, including some of the diocese's current policies and procedures.
The Diocese of Ely is strongly committed to the health and wellbeing of its clergy. One of the levers of change in the Diocesan Strategy is to 'develop healthy churches and leaders' with an expressed aim to refresh leadership so that both clergy and laity feel energised, empowered and liberated to grow in their ministry. The flourishing of the clergy is key to the flourishing of the church.
Clergy Wellbeing
Clergy Wellbeing
Clergy Housing
Women's Ministry
Self Supporting
Continuing Ministerial Development
Ministry Development Review
Extended Ministerial Leave
People System & Clergy Payroll
Clergy Discipline
Ministry of Healing
Ministry of Deliverance
Clergy Trusts & Grants
Common Tenure
Urban Estates
New Housing
Disability and Church