Faith In Maintenance

Date :
12th October 2019

Venue: Little Paxton - St James

"Stave off decay by daily care." - William Morris

Maintenance might not be the most glamorous side of managing historic places of worship, but it can make all the difference. A little time spent on a basic building ‘MOT’ can save a great deal of money at a later date, but where do you start and what should you do? This FREE workshop will give many of the answers with professional advice and practical sessions.

Faith in Maintenance is an award-winning course from SPAB (the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings) and thanks to support from National Lottery Players, we are delighted to be offering it to parishes and organisations in the Diocese of Ely.  Participants will find out how traditional buildings were constructed, how they work, how they can decay, and how to spot and tackle common problems. There will an overview of managing maintenance – how it fits with parish responsibilities, the role of the professional adviser, health and safety and other crucial issues.The practical session will introduce church surveys and maintenance plans, with practical group exercises.

This is a fantastic opportunity to develop your skills and meet other people from across the Diocese.  This workshop is open to anyone looking after an historic place of worship as long as the buildings falls within the boundaries of the Diocese of Ely.  It is open to all faiths and organisations.

Light refreshments will be provided throughout the day, but we kindly ask that you bring a packed lunch.  Places are limited so we ask that no more than two people per parish or organisation attend. 

Cost: FREE

Booking and Contact:                     

Holly Isted

Historic Church Buildings Support Officer

Tel: 07948 350211 or 01353 652705


Cost and booking:

Please book in advance.

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