The Diocese of Ely has recently secured a grant from the Church of England’s 'Buildings for Mission' project to launch a Church Buildings Management Partnership pilot program in the Leightonstones Benefices.
As part of this pilot the Diocese Buildings Department will be hosting extra in person support to churches across the Leightonstone Benefices.
As part of our soon to launch Ely Church Buildings Management Partnership in the Leightonstones benefices, the Diocesan Buildings Team will be launching some additional initiatives for churches in the Leightonstones benefices. These include a maintenance support group, and Leightonstones Festival Week.
Maintenance Support Group
The Leightonstones Support Group will be an opportunity for Leightonstones church members to get together to help one another, share their skills and advice, and provide practical support to each other’s church buildings. This group will be led by Samuel Pedlar and volunteer John Thackray. For more information or to get involved in the group please email Samuel at
The first meeting of the support group is scheduled for Tuesday 8th April, with the date and time of future meetings being decided by the group’s members.
Location |
Date |
East Leightonstone |
Tuesday 8th April |
North Leightonstone |
West Leightonstone |
South Leightonstone |
Leightonstones Festival Week
Leightonstones Festival Week is a planned themed week of events occurring across the Leightonstones Benefices from Monday 16 - Saturday 21 June 2025. A series of Leightonstones churches will be hosting events on these dates. This will be a fantastic community engagement opportunity and will hopefully raise the profile of each church in their local community.
Get involved!
Samuel is working with a group of churches to plan Festival Week and is inviting all Leightonstones churches to get involved. If you want your Leightonstones church to be involved in the event and its planning, please email Samuel at