easyfundraising - helping your church raise funds.
First published on: 24th August 2021Is your church using easyfundraising to raise its income yet? If not, find out more here.
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Is your church using easyfundraising to raise its income yet? If not, find out more here.
A new CofE Learning Labs Blog to support churches with their online activities!
The Revd Dr Megan Daffern, currently Diocesan Director of Ordinands and Vocations, is leaving this post and taking up the role of a Tutor and Bye-Fellow at Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge.
You can run Generosity Week in your church to coincide with your Harvest Festival. As churches celebrate Harvest at different times this could be at any time between August to October.
A way for your church to join in with prayer and worship for climate justice at a crucial moment.
Ride and Stride, one of the biggest fundraising events for County Historic Churches Trusts, is less than 2 months away!
Did you know there is a national Churchwardens Facebook group, set-up for Church of England Churchwardens and run by Churchwardens.
The Social Infrastructure Fund is Norfolk County Council's capital grants scheme for voluntary and non-profit making groups.
There is lots of great articles in this edition, particularly appropriate to vocations candidates and trainees for both lay and ordained ministry.
There is still funding available to help parishes pay for a contactless card reader.
As we head towards the lifting of all restrictions, the thought of returning to delivering events and activities might still be daunting.
The third round of the Government's Cultural Recovery Fund was recently announced.
If simple appeals to you - perhaps your team is small, or you'd like to build your confidence and skills before moving into something more involved – here are some tips from the CofE Digital Team for taking a simple approach to livestreaming.
Is your church using easyfundraising to raise its income yet? If not, find out more here.
Is your church using easyfundraising to raise its income yet? If not, find out more here.
This website resource combines missional and digital wisdom from the Church of England to inspire and inform churches planning for the post-covid online world.
Here are a few photographs from the Ordination of Priests and Deacons at Ely Cathedral on the 3rd and 4th July, 2021.
Our Building Volunteers Survey is your opportunity to tell us about your experiences so we can identify what is working well, as well as areas that need improving particularly with regards to training, support and recognition. The results will inform the training and support that the Church Buildings Team provides and also discussions with external organisations.
Here is some guidance from a Church of England Learning Labs Blog about where to put the cameras and microphones you have, in order to get the best results.
The Ember Prayer Booklet and an introduction to those being ordained Priest and Deacon over the 3rd and 4th July 2021.