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Diocesan Development Officer for Children and Families, Ruth New

Ruth New is our Development Officer for Children and Families, working to create vision, resource, equip, train and encourage those working with children and families in the Diocese.

Over the coming months Ruth is really looking forward to meeting as many people as possible involved in ministries with children and families from across the Diocese,  hearing about your journeys so far and the hopes and dreams you have as we seek to grow younger. For those whom Ruth already knows from her previous role as Families Missioner and LLM (Children and Families) at St Mary’s, Ely, she is looking forward to touching base again very soon. Ruth's passion is for us to notice where God is already at work in our churches and in our wider communities and build on these opportunities. Walking with and helping our children and families grow as disciples will look different in all of our contexts. Every parish and benefice will be on a different journey but in each there will be opportunities to share our faith, plants seeds, nurture spirituality and grow together with the children and families we meet and engage with. Please do get in contact with Ruth for help, support to develop your vision and/or practice or if you would just like to share what God is up to in your context. Ruth can be contacted by email on

For further information on Children and Families work in the Diocese - click here
In this video, Peter Leech, Deputy Director of Mission and Ministry chats to Ruth about her role as Development Officer for Children and Families.

First published on: 22nd June 2023
Page last updated: Friday 23rd June 2023 2:34 PM
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