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RIP - Canon Hugh Searle

We have just heard the sad news that Canon Hugh Searle has died.

His funeral service will be held at St Peter’s, Barton, Cambridge on Friday 15th November 2019. Burial at 12.45pm. Service at 1.30pm. Flowers welcome.

Canon Searle served as a priest in the Diocese of Ely for nearly forty years as follows:

  • Priest in charge, BARTON (St Peter) Ely 1978-1984
  • Priest in charge, COTON (St Peter) Ely 1978-1984
  • Rural Dean, BOURN Ely 1981-1992
  • Vicar, BARTON (St Peter) Ely 1984-2000
  • Rector, COTON (St Peter) Ely 1984-2000
  • Hon Can Ely Cathedral 1997-2000
  • Retired 2000
  • Permission to Officiate Ely 2000-2017
First published on: 4th November 2019
Page last updated: Monday 4th November 2019 9:15 AM
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