Parish Safeguarding Resources and Templates

On this page you will be directed to helpful templates and resources to be used alongside the Church of England's safeguarding policy and practice guidance documents, which can be seen here.

The Church of England provide a number of templates and resources which can be found on their website here.

In addition, the Diocese of Ely Safeguarding Team has also developed a number of example templates for parishes to use which can be downloaded via the links below. All templates have been designed to act as an example form and must be tailored to suit individual circumstances.

Example Role Outlines - Volunteer Forms - Recruitment - Risk AssessmentsSafeguarding Forms/InformationID and Criminal Record Checking Forms/Templates/GuidesPermission FormsGuidance for PCC Members as Trustees of a CharityResponding well to domestic abuse - General forms and toolsParish Noticeboard display items

Safeguarding Dashboard

Safeguarding in the Church of England has changed considerably in recent years and is likely to continue changing in the foreseeable future. 

New policies and procedures are making churches safer, but they have also brought a significant increase in the amount of administration for safeguarding officers. Safeguarding Dashboards is addressing this challenge by making safeguarding administration simpler for everyone.

The Safeguarding Dashboard is available free of charge to Church of England churches in participating dioceses. To sign up for the Safeguarding Dashboard or for further information please e-mail Sarah King at 

You can watch a short video explaining the Safeguarding Dashboard in more detail below.

Safeguarding Dashboards from Clearly Simpler on Vimeo.


Example Role Outlines

Volunteer Forms


Risk Assessments

Please note these risk assessments are for illustrative purposes only and will need amending according to individual settings.

Safeguarding Forms/Information

ID and Criminal Record Checking Forms/Templates/Guides

Permission Forms

Guidance for PCC Members as Trustees of a Charity

Responding well to domestic abuse

These  templates and documents relate to Responding well to domestic abuse practice guidance (2017)

General Forms and Tools

Parish Notice Board display items

If you require any of the  Safeguarding Pocket guides please contact a member of the Safeguarding Team 

Page last updated: Tuesday 23rd July 2024 2:25 PM
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